miércoles, 22 de septiembre de 2010

What to do/ Where to go in Santiago.....

I find that Santiago is a beautiful city and there are a lot places that to visit. Santiago is a Great City, the capital of Chile, and the center of the activity of country. In this place, there are typical locations that a foreigner tourist can`t leave off to visit.
For example, a typical place of burial, very interesting is the Santiago’s Cathedral. Is a construction very ancient, standing since the Colonia. Is a monument that tries to imitate to the European constructions.
In the touristic aspects, Santiago is very development. Enclosed, exists a institution of government, called SERNATUR. This office have the mission of surrender information about the locations more interesting for to visit.
I am not known why, but there are people that hate this city. I find genial!
Other location is La Quebrada de Macul, is a campsite, very splendid. In this place there is a river and a lot trees, and is placed in the sector of Peñalolén. The office for tourist gives an opening to whoever and the best is that entrance for free
One of favorite’s locations is the Forestal Park. Is a great rest area, and all is full of green. Moreover, many cultural acts are carried out, such as free concerts, cultural events, discourses, circus presentations and more.
And a last place is

viernes, 10 de septiembre de 2010

My Favourite Music...

Well, I don’t have one favorite kind of music. I like a lot styles, for example, the classic rock, indie, trip-hop, hip-hop and electronic. Although, i like the strange music, with rare sounds and instruments.
I play the acoustic guitar, and I use different software for edit music. Also, I like buy many cd's. I have  a lot disc and one of my favorite album is Mezzanine of Massive Attack. This disc was released in 1998 and contains themes as Angel and Group Four, and is characterized because generally are women who sing, the melodies are slow and the dark arrangements. These kind of music i like it. My favourite kind of music are for relaxed listening and lying in bed.
The integrants of group that generally i like are Dj’s and they worked together long ago. Among them we find to Blur, Horance Andy, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Tricky and more.
A favourite group is Massive Attack. These group has about five disk published. The last album was released this year and is a great disc what you must to hear!!!! The mixed all kinds of music that like me.
Massive Attack's style is often considering as a experimental genre. Your music is very strange and in 2005 made his first concert in Chile, but I could not go because he had no money. But have all his albums and always listen.
I recommend listen this kind of music, at first, is a little strange, but with time results a great experience, especially when you want to do nothing.
The music is all for me.The music has accompanied me in every moment of my life. for every feeling or I have a song I always remember.

miércoles, 1 de septiembre de 2010

A Country that I want to know…Greece

Well, I like get to other country (when I have money …xD). And in one of this travels, I must go to Greece . This place I found very interesting and fabulous. Is a historical place, recognize around of the wide world, as one more beautiful lands.

Its constructions, its history and the mythic ambient that evolve the city, is something that I like it.

I have many illusions and I can visit these places. I hope travel to Greece  around of the next year, and I could to go with some friends and to make one million things interesting. I feel much attraction for these places, its beaches and its people. Moreover, its culture is very famous in the entire world, specially its mythology. When I grow up as professional, it takes me holidays in this mystic place. I could go to the different places, and I know that I will can. Here was born Platón and Aristóteles. Appeared the basis of the politic system more used in the world, the democracy.

In the other side, I know that visit this place I will be unforgotten and an experience incredible and fantastic.